Contribute by editing articles locally on your computer
Install Git for revision control
- Download and install Git from here. Optional: Install a Git GUI Client. Click here for a list of GUI Clients. Some of us use Sourcetree.
- In Windows 10, we recommend adding the Git installation folder (c:\program files\git\cmd) to your PATH variable by following the steps here.
- If you do not have a GitHub user account, create one at GitHub.
- If you are a Genus employee, ask the docs editors group to add you to the Genus organization on GitHub. This will allow you to commit directly (to the master branch).
- DocFX requires Microsoft Build Tools 2015 (not 2017), so download and install from here.
- Download "" from here.
- Unzip to d:\ (or c:\ or whereever you prefer to install it), which will create the d:\DocFX folder (NB! Make sure you do not create d:\DocFX\DocFX…)
- We recommend adding d:\DocFX (or your choice of path) to your Windows PATH environment variable following the steps here.
- NOTE! The automated build & publish from GitHub to (in Azure) always uses the latest version of DocFX. So remember to update your local DocFX installation once in a while.
Markdown editor
- Install your favorite editor for markdown files, like Visual Studio Code.
- Associate md files to your favorite editor.
Connect your local repos to GitHub "Genus docs" repos.
- Create a docs project folder on your computer, like "d:\Git\Docs" or similar.
- Open a cmd shell at d:\git\docs.
- Run the command "git init" to create a local repos on your computer. This should produce something like "Initialized empty Git repository in d:/git/docs/.git/".
- Run the command "git remote add origin" to connect your local repos to the github repos.
Using Git
To fetch repos and/or latest changes from the Genus docs to your computer
a. Open a cmd shell at d:\git\docs.
b. Run git pull origin master (in command line Git, origin is always the remote repos, while master is the local repos).
c. Then "git push -u origin master"
To do a change locally (like editing an article) and push it to GitHub
a. Edit the file using your favorite Markdown editor
b. In the cmd shell, run "git add"
c. Then "git commit -m "I changed something"
d. Then "git push -u origin master"
If you experience that you are required to enter your username and password every time you push, in the cmd shell try running the command "git config credential.helper store". Then perform a command that requires password, for example "git push", and then your credentials should be cached.
Build and preview the documentation on your computer
- Open a cmd shell at d:\git\docs and type "docfx --serve"
- Open your browser on url http://localhost:8080 to view the documentation.
- Later, use Ctrl+C i in your cmd shell to exit "docfx --serve".
Use movearticles.js for moving articles updating all references in all articles
- Download and install Node.js on your computer from
- Open a command line window, and go to d:\git\docs (or whatever you chose above as your docs project folder).
- Optionally run "npm init" and answer the questions (to avoid warnings in the next step).
- In the command line window, run "npm install fs-extra". This will install a library required by movearticles.js. You will get a couple of warnings if you didn't run the previous step (npm init).
- If you have used Git to pull from the Genus docs repos above, you will find a file named movearticles.js in your docs project folder.
You are now ready to use movearticles.js in your command line window. Examples:
a. Move an article from a folder to another.
node movearticles.js developers/ developers/defining-the-application-model
b. Move an article from a folder to another, including renaming the article. In this case the article is moved to the docs project folder.
node movearticles.js developers/defining-the-application-model/
c. Renaming an article without moving it.
node movearticles.js developers/ developers/
d. Move all articles in a folder (including subfolders).
node movearticles.js developers/security-and-privacy developers/define-an-app-model/security
If you open movearticles.js you will find further comments and a TODO list of issues and feature requests. Note that the code is written specifically for Genus AS ( style of use of DocFX markdown files, and may not suit other usage. For instance, the code assumes media files are in a local 'media' folder for each article. But feel free to contribute.
GitHub contributors integration and custom templates
See GitHub contribution code and custom templates for details on how to keep custom templates updated and include GitHub contributor code in build.
How to add a folder to your Windows 10 PATH environment variable
- In the Windows start menu, search for and open "View advanced system settings".
- In the Advanced tab, click the "Environment variables…" button in the lower right corner.
- In the "User variables" or the "System variables" section (your choice), edit the path variable and add a path to your folder.