# Use https://github.com/dadav/helm-schema to automatically generate json schema from this file, using annotations.
# @schema
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
# -- This property is used in the genusbiz/bootstrap image. Whether or not to use this file for deployment.
enabled: true
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
# -- This property is used in the genusbiz/bootstrap image. Should be the same as the deployment name.
k8sRuntime: ""
# @schemas
# required: true
# @schema
# -- The unique model identifier.
modelIdentifier: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- The name of the cluster in which the application is running
clusterName: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
# -- This property is used in the genusbiz/bootstrap image. The namespace in which the application is running.
namespaceName: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# type: string
# @schema
dnsSuffix: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- If the application should be available at another URL than "<global.modelIdentifier>-operator.<global.dnsSuffix>", use this property to override it.
hostnameFQDN: ""
# @schema
# const: operator
# required: true
# @schema
# -- This property is used in the genusbiz/bootstrap image to identify the value file for Genus Operator
environmentType: "operator"
# @schema
# @schema
# -- The TZ identifier for the timezone of the application. [Read more]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)
timezone: "Europe/Oslo"
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
# -- Whether or not to send error reports to Sentry. Should be true in production environments.
enableSentry: true
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Proxy for Sentry, if running in a restricted network
sentryProxy: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Path to a certificate file. When set, the well known "root" CAs (like VeriSign) will be extended with the extra certificates in file. The file should consist of one or more trusted certificates in PEM format. A message will be printed to stderr (once) if the file is missing or misformatted, but any errors are otherwise ignored
nodeExtraCACerts: ""
# @schema
# @schema
# -- Used to opt out of automounting API credentials. Change to true if this is something you want to do. [Read more](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/)
automountServiceAccountToken: false
# @schema
# @schema
clusterDomain: cluster.local
enabled: false
image: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# type: string
# @schema
# -- The name of the customer. Used for automatic error reporting
customer: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# type: string
# @schema
# -- The name or email of a contact that can be reached in case of errors
contact: ""
# @schema
# enum: [MS Entra ID, Cookie]
# @schema
# -- The authentication method used by the application. Use "Cookie" for signing in with username and password, or "MS Entra ID" for signing in with MS Entra Id (previously known as Azure AD)
method: "Cookie"
# @schema
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Required if using auth.method: "MS Entra ID". Set up for authentication, and this value, can be found in the Azure portal
tenantId: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Required if using auth.method: "MS Entra ID". Set up for authentication, and this value, can be found in the Azure portal
clientId: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Required if using auth.method: "MS Entra ID". Set up for authentication, and this value, can be found in the Azure portal
clientSecret: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Required if using auth.method: "MS Entra ID". Set up for authentication, and this value, can be found in the Azure portal
operatorGroupId: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Required if using auth.method: "MS Entra ID". Set up for authentication, and this value, can be found in the Azure portal
redirectUri: ""
# @schema
# @schema
# -- The name of the secret used for pulling images from a private registry. Only change this if you do not use the image registry.
- name: "genus-regcred-azure"
# @schema
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# @schema
debug: false
# @schema
# @schema
timing: false
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# -- Add nodeselectors to the pods. Comes in addtion to the default nodeselector, "kubernetes.io/os: linux"
nodeSelector: {}
# @schema
# type: object
# @schema
# -- Specify experimental features to enable with feature flags
deployGenus: false
# @schema
# type: object
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
# -- Enable Version Deployment
enabled: false
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
# -- Enable Version Deployment for Genus Operator, giving Genus Operator the option to upgrade itself
enableSelfDeployment: false
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The container registry to use for the Genus Installer
# @schema
containerRegistry: "https://genus.azurecr.io"
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The URL to the config repo
# @schema
configRepoUrl: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: Git access token to use for pulling and pushing to the config repo
# @schema
configRepoAccessToken: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The git user name that is used for committing changes to the config repo
# @schema
configRepoGitUserName: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The git user email that is used for committing changes to the config repo
# @schema
configRepoGitUserEmail: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The git branch to use for the config repo
# @schema
configRepoGitBranch: ""
# @schema
# enum: [GenusOperator, Flux, ArgoCD]
# description: The method to use for deploying Genus
# @schema
deployMethod: "GenusOperator"
# @schema
# type: string
# description: When using GitOps (Flux or ArgoCD), this is the path to the Helm release config file for Genus Runtimes
# @schema
genusHelmReleaseConfigFilePath: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: When using GitOps (Flux or ArgoCD), this is the path to the Helm release config file for Genus Operator
# @schema
genusOperatorHelmReleaseConfigFilePath: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# description: The directory in the git repo containing the helm values files
# @schema
helmValuesDirectory: "helm-values"
# @schema
# type: boolean
# deprecated: true
# @schema
# -- Whether or not to send anonymous usage statistics to Genus. Deprecated. Not in use.
enabled: false
apiKey: ""
customerSampleCode: ""
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Override for serviceAccountName. Should be specified if rbac.create is false
serviceAccountName: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
vendorVersion: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
appModelConnectionString: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
appModelDatabase: ""
# @schema
# required: true
# @schema
appModelSchema: ""
# @schema
# deprecated: true
# @schema
# -- This property is not used in Genus Operator
caseInsensitiveSearch: true
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- TODO
pathType: "ImplementationSpecific"
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# -- Add extra annotations to the ingresses
annotations: {}
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- TODO
ingressClassName: ""
# @schema
# @schema
# -- TODO
tlsConfigEnabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
# -- TODO
requireUniqueIngressHosts: false
# @schema
# @schema
# -- TODO
ingressWildCardPathEnabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
# -- TODO
secretNameOverride: ""
# @schema
# @schema
# -- TODO
operatorFrontendTlsIngressEnabled: false
# @schema
# type: array
# items:
# type: object
# properties:
# hosts:
# type: array
# description: "A list of hostnames associated with the TLS configuration."
# items:
# type: string
# description: "The hostname to be covered by this TLS configuration, e.g., example.com."
# secretName:
# type: string
# description: "The name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the TLS certificate and key."
# required: false
# example: "example-tls-secret"
# @schema
tls: []
# @schema
# @schema
create: true
# @schema
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
# -- Whether or not to create a ServiceMonitor for Prometheus scraping. Requires that the ServiceMonitor CRD is installed.
enabled: true
# @schema
# @schema
# -- How often Prometheus should scrape the metrics endpoint
scrapeInterval: 30s
# @schema
# @schema
# -- Whether or not to create PrometheusRules for alerting. Requires that the PrometheusRule CRD is installed.
enabled: true
# coreServicePrometheusRules:
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0.05
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0.8
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# generalPrometheusRules
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 1
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 15m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: critical
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# kubernetesOperatorPrometheusRules:
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: critical
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: critical
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered within the timeperiod defined in for
threshold: 0
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 120
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# mailServicePrometheusRules:
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: false
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the threshold is surpassed for the alert to be sent
for: 5m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: critical
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: critical
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# messageQueuePrometheusrules:
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: string
# @schema
# -- Timeperiod for how long the service is not sending a message before alerting
for: 15m
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: warning
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# scheduled-aciton-prometheus-rules:
# @schema
# type: boolean
# @schema
enabled: true
# @schema
# type: number
# @schema
# -- Threshold for when the alert is triggered
threshold: 0
# @schema
# enum: [info, warning, error, critical]
# @schema
# -- Severity of the alert
severity: error
# @schema
# type: object
# patternProperties:
# "^.*":
# "type": "string"
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
additionalLabels: {}
# @schema
# @schema
internalTLS: false
# @schema
# @schema
http: 8080
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9443
# @schema
# @schema
http: 8080
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9443
# @schema
# @schema
http: 9113
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9413
# @schema
# @schema
http: 8404
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9404
# @schema
# @schema
http: 6379
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9379
# @schema
# @schema
http: 26379
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9279
redisOperator: #DEPRECATED
# @schema
# @schema
http: 6379
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9379
# @schema
# @schema
http: 26379
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9279
# @schema
# @schema
http: 8181
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9443
# @schema
# @schema
http: 80
# @schema
# @schema
https: 9443
# @schema
# type: array
# items:
# type: object
# properties:
# mountPath:
# type: [string, null]
# required: true
# description: Path within the container at which the volume should be mounted. Must not contain ':'.
# name:
# type: [string, null]
# required: true
# description: This must match the Name of a Volume.
# readOnly:
# type: boolean
# required: false
# description: Mounted read-only if true, read-write otherwise (false or unspecified). Defaults to false.
# subPath:
# type: [string, null]
# required: false
# description: Path within the volume from which the container's volume should be mounted. Defaults to \\ (volume's root).
# @schema
volumeMounts: []
# @schema
# type: array
# items:
# type: object
# properties:
# name:
# type: string
# @schema
volumes: []
# @schema
# type: array
# items:
# type: object
# properties:
# key:
# type: string
# operator:
# enum: [Exists,Equal]
# value:
# type: string
# effect:
# enum: [NoSchedule,PreferNoSchedule,NoExecute]
# tolerationSeconds:
# type: integer
# tolerationSecondsAfterFinish:
# type: integer
# additionalProperties: false
# @schema
# -- The pod this Toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple <key,value,effect> using the matching operator <operator>.
tolerations: []
architecture: "replication"
fullnameOverride: operator-redis
architecture: "replication"
app.kubernetes.io/part-of: genus-operator
genus.no/restartWithModelPublish: "false"
genus.no/k8sRuntime: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
genus.no/environmentType: "operator"
enabled: true
existingSecret: "session-redis" # @schema default: "session-redis"
existingSecretPasswordKey: "PASSWORD"
enabled: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 200Mi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 100m
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 1Gi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 2000m
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 200Mi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 100m
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 1Gi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 2000m
kubernetes.io/os: linux
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 200Mi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 100m
# @schema
# @schema
memory: 1Gi
# @schema
# @schema
cpu: 2000m
# @schema
# @schema
replicaCount: 3
kubernetes.io/os: linux
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
create: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false
# @schema
# @schema
enabled: false