General Settings
To open General Settings, click General Settings button.
Add a Name for the table.
Add an optional Description of the table.
Add a symbol
You can define a symbol for your table. The symbol will appear in shortcuts. To remove the symbol, click Clear.
Automatically save changes to objects
If you enable auto save, data for an object are automatically saved when the object is modified and the object is in a valid state. For example, in a table used for entering budget figures for a predefined set of accounts and periods, enabling auto save simplifies the budgeting task. To enable auto save, select the Auto Save check box. If you want to save changes immediately after a value has been entered in a cell, click On Change Cell. To save changes when a modifed row is left, click On Modify Row.
Note that when auto save is enabled, changes made to an object cannot be undone.
Change how to move the selection when pressing the ENTER key
When you press ENTER to finish editing data in a cell, by default, the selection does not move. To change this behaviour, select the After pressing Enter, move selection check box, and then click on one of the following:
- Right: the selection is moved to the next cell to the right, on the same row. If the current cell is in the last column, the selection is moved to the first cell on the next row.
- Down: the selection is moved to the cell in the same column on the row below.
- To next cell in tab sequence: The selection is moved to the next cell that is in the tab sequence. For more information on including cells in, or excluding cells from, the tab sequence, see Bind a cell template to a field.
Turn in-cell editing on or off
By default, the option Allow Editing Directly in Cells is turned off. Users can only edit the contents of cells by pressing F2. When you turn this option on, users can edit the contents of a cell directly when the cell is selected. **
Row selection
By default, users are allowed to select multiple rows in a table. If you want to restrict the selection to a single row at a time, click to clear the Allow Select Multiple Rows check box.
Display or hide the number of rows
For multi dimensional tables, the number of rows listed in the table is by default not displayed. To display the number of rows click to select Show number of objects. For simple tables, the number of objects is always displayed, and this option is not available.