t# Tree
Displays information for a recursive data source in a tree hierarchical structure. Nodes with children can be collapsed or expanded, and additional information is displayed in separate columns.
Parent Field
Specify which field in the data source that represents the parent relationship.
The columns represent the fields in the data source, and contain cells that display values from the corresponding field in a data source. The first column displays the parent-child relationships. The column has a column header which displays the column's caption and enables an end-user to move and resize the column, apply sorting and filtering, etc.
Fixed Total Summaries
Allows you to display brief information about the rows. For example, you can display the number of records, minimum, maximum values, or average values from various columns.
Performance Considerations When displaying large data volumes performance considerations are important. Consider turning off or limiting best fit calculations for the width of columns. See the tree and column properties Best Fit Mode and Best Fit Max Row Count.
The auto option of the scrollbar visibility settings are convenient, but can lead to performance issues. Consider turning off the auto option wherever possible.
Tree Properties
See Common Control Properties, in addition to the control specific properties below.
Property | Description |
Allow Customize View | Enable individual users to change view settings, like visible columns, sorting, etc. |
Auto Columns Width | Column widths are changed automatically, so that the total width of all columns matches the width of the control. When changing the width of one column, the widths of other columns are automatically changed to maintain the total width. |
Auto Expand | All nodes that have children are automatically expanded. |
Best Fit Max Row Count | The maximum number of rows that is used when calculating the best fit. If no value is entered, all rows specified in the Best Fit Mode is used. This is a useful setting to increase performance, as best fit calculations for large data volumes can be time consuming. |
Best Fit Mode | Specifies the way the column width is calculated. This is a default setting which can be overriden for individual columns. None No best fit calculation is performed. All Rows The column width is calculated based on text of all cells within this column. DistinctValues The column width is calculated based on all distinct values in the underlying datasource. VisibleRows The column width is calculated based on the values in the currently visible cells. |
Columns | The columns that are defined for the control. The first column displays the parent-child relationships. For information on specific properties, see Column Properties below. |
Data Filter | Filters the data from the bound data source. |
Default Selection |
Defines which items in the tree that are selected initially.
None No items are selected Mark First Item The first item in the tree is selected. Condition A condition defines which items are initially selected. |
Fixed Total Summaries | A list of aggregated summary numbers which are displayed at the bottom. These summaries are fixed for the entire tree, and is thereby independent of any columns. For information on summaries connected to columns, see Column Properties. For information on specific properties, see Total Summary Properties below. |
Horizontal Scrollbar Visibility | Controls the visibility of the scrollbar. Auto The scrollbar is visible if it is needed. Hidden The scrollbar is always hidden. Visible The scrollbar is always visible. The Auto option is convenient, but can in complex forms lead to performance issues. |
Parent Field | Specifies which field in the bound data source that represents the parent relationship. The parent for a node cannot be the node itself. |
Selection Mode | Single It is only possible to select one item at a time. Multiple It is posssible to select multiple items. |
Show Column Headers | Displays headers with column names at the top of each column. |
Show Grouped Columns | Columns that are used for grouping the data, are displayed. To automatically hide columns that are used for grouping, clear this option. |
Show Horizontal Lines | Displays lines between rows. |
Show No of Objects | Shows the number of objects in the grid in a parenthesis in the caption for the tree. This option has no effect if a caption is not displayed. |
Show Row Indicator | Displays a special column before the first column, where various indicators are displayed for the rows. For example, it is indicated which row has focus. |
Show Vertical Lines | Displays lines between columns. |
Sorting | Default sorting of the rows in the tree. Specify which columns to sort ascending or descending on, and in which order. |
Vertical Scrollbar Visibility | Controls the visibility of the scrollbar. Auto The scrollbar is visible if it is needed. Hidden The scrollbar is always hidden. Visible The scrollbar is always visible. The Auto option is convenient, but can in complex forms lead to performance issues. |
Property | Description |
Row Background Color | Background color for the rows. |
Row Font Size | Size of the text in the rows. |
Row Font Style | Style of the txt in the rows: Normal or Italic. |
Row Font Weight | Weight of the text in the rows: Normal or Bold. |
Row Foreground Color | Color of the text in the rows. |
Column Properties
Property | Description |
Control | The control used to display and edit a cell in the column. Currently only Text Edit is available. |
Control Settings | Settings specific for the selected control. |
Control Settings - Word Wrap | Enables wrapping of text that is too long to display on one line. Only applicable to the Text Edit control |
Data Binding | The data for the column. See Data Binding and Data Binding Fundamentals. |
Initially Selected | The column is selected when the control is initially opened. |
Label | The label for the column. Enter a text in the box, or click the "..." button in the box to select a field. |
Label - Colon Suffix | Show a colon ":" after the label. |
Name | Used to identify the column in a list of columns. |
Open in Default Form | The selected object can be opened using the default form for the object class. |
Read Only | It is not possible to edit the cells in column. This option is currently always true. |
Screen Tip | The screen tip which is displayed when the mouse cursor is moved over the column. Enter a text in the box, or click the "..." button in the box to select a field. |
Tab Index | The number in the tab sequence order for the column. |
Tab Stop | The control is part of the tab sequence in the form. |
Total Summaries |
A list of aggregated summary numbers which are displayed at the bottom of the column. For information on summaries independent of columns, see the controls Fixed Total Summary property. For information on specific properties, see Total Summary Properties below. |
Visible | Yes The column is visible to the end user. No The column is not visible to the end user. Condition A condition determines if the column is visible to the end user. Use a condition when the column only should be visible in som cases, for example depending on the state of an object. |
Size and Position
Property | Description |
Best Fit Area |
Specifies which column elements are taken into account when calculating the optimal width.
No elements of the column is taken into account.
All All elements of a column (row cells, header, total summary) is taken into account. Header Only the header is taken into account. Rows Grid rows' values should be taken into account. Total Summary The total summary's text should be taken into account. |
Best Fit Max Row Count | The maximum number of rows that is used when calculating the best fit. If no value is entered, the number specified for the control is used. This is a useful setting to increase performance, as best fit calculations for large data volumes can be time consuming. |
Best Fit Mode |
Specifies how the column width is calculated. Default The best fit mode for the grid is used. All Rows The column width is calculated based on text of all cells within this column. DistinctValues The column width is calculated based on all distinct values in the underlying datasource. VisibleRows The column width is calculated based on the values in the currently visible cells. |
Fixed | Specifies the behaviour for the column when scrolling horizontally. None The column takes part in horizontal scrolling. Left The column is anchored to the left edge. Right The column is anchored to the right edge. |
Fixed Width | The column width remains the same and is not affected by the auto widht option. |
Max Width | The maximum width of the column when resizing or when the width is calculated automatically |
Min Width | The minimum width of the column when resizing or when the width is calculated automatically. |
Property | Description |
Automatic Formatting | |
Cell Background Color | Background color for the cells. |
Cell Font Size | Size of the cell text. |
Cell Font Style | Style of the cell text: Normal or Italic. |
Cell Font Weigth | Weight of the cell text: Normal or Bold. |
Cell Foreground Color | The color of the cell text. |
Display Format String | Format the value and add any text to its textual representation. The formatted text is displayed if the value is not currently edited (if it is not focused or it is read-only). For example, to display currency values, set the DisplayFormatString property to 'c2'. If the editor's value is 99.9, its formatted equivalent will be $99.90. The specified display format should match the value's type, otherwise, it is ignored and is not applied. Standard format specifiers for composing the format pattern are described in the Format Strings topics in MSDN. |
Label Background Color | Background color for the column label. |
Label Font Size | Size of the font for the column label. |
Label Font Style | Style of the column label text: Normal or Italic. |
Label Font Weigth | Weight of the column label text: Normal or Bold. |
Label Foreground Color | Color of the column label text. |
Total Summary Properties
Property | Description |
Column | The column that contains the values to use for the summary. |
Label | The label for the summary item. |
Show in Column Summary | Enables summaries under individual columns. This option can for example be disabled when the Show in Group Summary is enabled, to show summaries only for the groups and not a total for the columns. |
Show in Group Summary | Enables summaries for individual groups, in addition to a total summary under the columns. Only applicable if the control offers grouping. |
Summary Type | Specifies the type of aggregation function to use for the summary value. None Disables summary value calculation. Average The average value of a column. Count The record count. Max The maximum value in a column. Min The minimum value in a column. Sum The sum of all values in a column. |
Size and Position
Property | Description |
Alignment | Default Only applicable for Total Summaries. Left The summary is aligned to the left. Only applicable for Fixed Total Summaries. Right The summary is aligned to the right. Only applicable for Fixed Total Summaries. |