Timeline (discontinued)
Use the timeline control to visualize a sequence of events or a timelines in a user friendly manner. Present various occurences like business events, project events, or observations related to a criminal investigation. The events can have a duration or not, and can be placed in a groups for improved readability. Unlike the Gantt control, which requires one recursive data source, the timeline control can visualize event from several different data sources.
The timeline control will be discontinued after the 2019.2 release.
Add a series for each data source to visualize, and specify how to visually represent the data in the timeline.
Add different views for different sets of series, and which of them is the default. Specify which series to show in a view, and how to scroll, zoom, perform grouping, etc. Also specify which time units to allow, for example day, Month, and year, or hour and minute.
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