Gantt (discontinued)
The Gantt control lets you visualize and manage hierarchical project data. Visualize different item types like regular tasks, milestones, summaries and the relations between them. Highlight different types of important items like late or critical tasks. Modify the task dates, duration, and dependencies visually directly in the diagram. Zoom and scroll to see specific detail or the overall picture.
The Gantt control will be discontinued after the 2019.2 release.
Data Binding
Bind the control to a data source that is recursive. The data source typically has has a parent reference to itself, where the parent summarizes the content of all its children, for example cost, time consumption, etc.
Task Fields
Specify which fields in the data source contains important task values, like start date, finish date, name, etc.
Task Dependency
Specify where information on dependencies between tasks are held.
Add the columns you want to display to the left in the grid area. Typical fields are name, start date, and finish date.
Topics in "Gantt"