Common URI path segments
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The URI for all service types, excepts Web Services, consists of these common path segments http(s)://<genus-apps-server-address>/<dataset>/api/<authentication-method>/<service-type>/<service-path-segment>
Path segments:
- Genus Apps server address - Address to server running Genus Apps providing the API.
- Dataset - Dataset for which the API is defined
- Authentication method - Defines the authentication method for the servics. The following methods can be defined:
- public - Service have no authentication, the guest account must be enabled.
- genus - Use Genus user authentication
- domain - Use Active Directory authentication. Single Sign On is enabled.
- domain/basic - Use basic Active Directory authentication. Single Sign On is disabled. User must provide log on information.
- Service type - Defines which service type in Genus Apps
- rest - REST services exposed by Genus Apps.
- carddav - Shared Contact lists
- webcal - Shared Calendars
- Service path segments - Path segments defined in the specific service. More information on segment paths for the relevant service types are defined in respecive articles for these sevice types.