Mapping of Property Data Types and RDBMS Data Types
ANSI String
MS SQL Server: char, varchar
Oracle: char, varchar2
Unicode String
MS SQL Server: nchar, nvarchar
Oracle: nchar, nvarchar2
MS SQL Server: float, real, decimal, numeric
Oracle: number, float
16-bit Integer
MS SQL Server: tinyint
Oracle: number( 1..4, 0 )
32-bit Integer
MS SQL Server: int
Oracle: number( 1..10, 0 )
Note that Genus Apps suggests 64-bit integer as data type for table columns in Oracle with a precision equal to 10. A 32-bit integer has 10 digits of precision, but you can not count on the full 10th digit. The range of a 32-bit integer is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, which gives log10 ( 2^31) = 9.3319 digits of precision.
64-bit Integer
MS SQL Server: bigint
Oracle: number( 10..18, 0 )
MS SQL Server: datetime
Oracle: date
Date and Time
MS SQL Server: datetime
Oracle: date
Binary Fixed
Fixed-length binary data with a maxium size of 8,000 bytes.
MS SQL Server: binary
Oracle: not supported
Binary Variable
Variable-length binary data with a maximum size of 8,000 bytes.
MS SQL Server: varbinary
Oracle: raw, long raw
Binary Large Object
Variable-length binary data.
MS SQL Server: varbinary(MAX)
Oracle: blob
Textual Large Object (ANSI)
Variable length non-Unicode character data.
MS SQL Server: varchar(max)
Oracle: clob
Textual Large Object (Unicode)
Variable length Unicode character data.
MS SQL Server: nvarchar(max) Oracle: nclob