A condition consists of comparisons which evaluates to a TRUE or FALSE value. A comparison states a logical relationship between two values, for example Person.Name = "Peter Keating", or 100 > 200. A condition is often a logical statement about the state or existence of an object, or the relationship between objects.
Conditions are used extensively throughout the application model. Some examples of usages are:
Data filter for data sources in Form, Tables, and Action Orchestration
The condition is applied when data is read into the data source, and only objects which satisfies the condition is added. Data filtering is available on many different levels; for example directly on a data source in a form or a table, on controls in a form or a cell in a table to control available values in a drop down, in a read object effect, in a create object effect, etc.
Conditional visibility, enabling, formatting in forms and tables
Controls in forms and columns/rows in tables can be enabled, set visible, and formatted if certain conditions are fulfilled.
Control flow in action orchestration
Decision blocks in tasks, web services, rules, etc. are only executed if the condition is fulfilled.
Conditional formula
Assignment of values can be dependent on conditions, which allows for an if-elseif-else like mechanism.
Advanced search
Conditions are used to give the user powerful and flexible search possibilities.