Calculate VAT amount
charge.amount * charge.vat.rate
Calculate invoice no of days overdue, if applicable
if invoice.state <> InvoiceState.settled then (CalendarTime.now - invoice.dueDate).days else null
Concatenate employee name
employee.firstName + ( if employee.middleName = null then "" else ( if employee.middleName.trim = "" then "" else " " + employee.middleName)) + " " + employee.lastName
Find the largest value
Select female employees
employees.select( e | e.gender = Gender.female and e.state = EmploymentState.engaged)
Find birthdate of the youngest male employee
employees.select( e | e.gender = Gender.male and e.state = EmploymentState.engaged).asOrderedSet().sort(false).first()
Create a comma separated list of regions
String.join(",", regions.name, false)
Validate IBAN format
CheckSum.ibanValidate( transaction.recipientIBAN )